Why Us

Because you can test us and decide

  • Give us a task.
  • See if you are happy with the outcome.
  • And we don’t charge for this ( for first 2 days).


NavsionSupport.com is a subdivision of Lexon UK Ltd (www.lexonuk.com), an end user of Dynamics NAV. Lexon have spent a significant amount of money in the past on support and development from traditional solution centres, who would often charge upwards of £800 per day. With NavisionSupport.com we have teamed up with an offshore development resource to reduce our costs significantly to £199 per day, so with economies of scale we can pass the cost benefits on to you without any compromise on quality.The aim of NavisionSupport.com is to provide high quality NAV support at affordable prices. We can provide a detailed cost structure on request, showing how much a job will cost and the number of hours that it will take to complete. This allows you to budget accurately for all your NAV support and development needs.

Our business has been using Navision since its early stages and as a result, we now have a large amount of expertise and knowledge about the way that Navision works and the additional needs that are required when integrating Navision for use within a business. This makes us the obvious point of call when you need any Navision related services.

Better Results

While the software language is all the same whoever does the coding, what difference does it make when we deliver the code? NavisionSupport.com develops code taking into consideration all of the programming standards that are required for the software to perform at optimum efficiency. In addition to this we analyse the code, fixing any potential defects that might occur during any modifications that need to be made. Our quality process analyses the cross functional effects and does thorough testing, which includes both positive and negative test scenarios, before delivering the final code to you.

Reliability & Accountability

Planned work hours make a lot of difference to IT costs and these need to take into consideration the actual amount of work needed to complete the task. NavisionSupport.com provides a detailed estimate of the hours required for the necessary work to be undertaken, only working for the number of hours that have been agreed with the client. If you are not completely satisfied with the solution that we have provided for you, then you can claim back the amount you have spent for the development hours within 7 days of completion.

Faster & Flexible

NAV end users get any issues that they encounter resolved quickly using our faster first line of telephone or email support. Using this service, based on the scope of the work and the complexity of the issue, any further development required will be initiated within a quick turnaround time.

With our flexible support patterns you can choose if you wish to use our on demand service, which is charged hourly, or a fixed price support service. Alternatively we can provide development work for just £199 a day. Contact us now for more information.

Right Attitude & Better Service

Actual business end users are often frustrated with the transactional issues that can spring up, these often interrupt business processes due to technical errors as a result of functional mismatches. End users often speak their own business language, whereas NAV consultants talk in technical terminology, resulting in end users becoming even more perplexed. NavisionSupport.com spends time working closely with end users, so that we can clearly understand their point of view and offer services in line with their actual requirements..

Risk Mitigation

With better documentation services and change logs, you are always able to remain aware of the modifications that have taken place. This also makes it easier for anyone implementing upgrades and migrations to follow. In addition, this documentation facilitates enhanced learning.

Actual work takes place after a detailed specification review and in-depth analysis of cross-functional effects of the modification. This will mitigate the risk of unforeseen bugs in future transactions. Our quality process ensures that thorough testing is done with positive and negative test cases before the code is delivered. More importantly our Microsoft certified professionals, will make sure that solutions are delivered according to the required standards.